Great Singapore Give: Metropolis Security partners with Xin Yuan Comcare to raise funds
Singapore, December 01, 2024: Metropolis Security is proud to partner with Xin Yuan Comcare to support a worthy cause as part of the Great Singapore Give. Metropolis is aiming to raise S$25,000 for the non-profit organization with this initiative.
Xin Yuan Comcare Ltd is dedicated towards empowering individuals and families in need. Their work focuses on: Community development through social programs and initiatives; Elderly Care to provide essential care and support to our aging population; and Youth Development by nurturing young minds to empower the next generation.
Donations made to Xin Yuan Comcare through this program will help with:
– Community programs: fund vital community initiatives that address social issues
– Elderly care services: Support essential services like home care and meals-on-wheels.
– Youth empowerment: Provid educational opportunities and skill development programs

The Metropolis Security team invites you to be a part of this noble initiative and invest in a brighter future for our Singapore community. Do remember that every contribution matters and will make a difference!
Click the button below to complete the donation!